Here is an overview of the wide-reaching effects of elderly loneliness and its impact on mental health and overall health outcomes.
The Ultimate Checklist for Caregivers: Must-Have Resources and Support Networks
Being a senior caregiver for an aging individual is no small feat, and caregivers need support, too. Read to learn more.
5 Ways Seniors Can Maintain Independence
Here are five ways seniors can better maintain their independence as they grow older, allowing them a more fund and fulfilling life.
How to Reduce the Risk of Caregiver Burnout
Here are some things you should know about caregiver burnout, including the symptoms to pay attention to and more.
Top Benefit Of Donating To A Non-Profit
Donating to a non-profit is one of the most powerful things that you can do for your community. As a non-profit, Shepherd’s Center…
Why Donate To A Nonprofit?
Here are some of the good things that may happen when you donate to a nonprofit, including potential tax benefits and the impact…
How Senior Transportation Programs Can Improve An Elder’s Life Quality
Here are some of the many reasons why senior transportation programs can improve an elder’s life quality and why you should help your…
5 Safety Reasons For Senior Transportation
Here are the most common safety reasons why older individuals should pursue senior transportation options made for them rather…