Twice-monthly meetings give senior caregivers the opportunity to speak with other caregivers and receive support from those who are traveling the road of care-giving to adult family members with dementia. Join us to share ideas, experiences and approaches. New members are very welcome.
Interested In Joining?
Twice-monthly meetings provide information and encouragement to persons caring for a chronically ill or incapacitated person, most of whom suffer from dementia. This is an opportunity to reach out to others and to receive support from those who have traveled the road of care giving. Meetings are held twice a month, and there is no cost. Each meeting is facilitated by an experienced caregiver.
Who Is It For?
This support group, started in 2002, is for caregivers of adult family members. Many care recipients have dementia, but that condition is not a requirement. Some recipients are cared for at home, some in local assisted living facilities, and some are out of state.
How Are Meetings Held?
Since COVID, we meet via Zoom, at 10:00am to 11:30am on the first and third Tuesdays of each month so as not to interfere with AIL classes. After you register with a facilitator (see below) you will be sent a link to the meeting. See the Event Calendar for upcoming meetings.
What Are Meetings Like?
This group for caregivers is a sounding board and a safe place where everyone understands the challenges of care-giving – there is no judgment. Meetings are gently facilitated. The sharing of feelings, problems, approaches, helpful information, and highs and lows is encouraged. There is no one way to handle every caregiver situation, and sharing experiences is helpful to all. Average attendance is 7-12 caregivers – so everyone has a chance to share, ask questions, and raise topics in a warm and supporting environment.
Join Our Caregiver Support Group:
For more information, or to attend, please contact Jack Tarr at 703-821-6838 and or Marcia Baumgartner at